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esponsibilities and tasks

The work is per day . This will earn you the reputation of a person of special quality who is assigned to the work that needs to be completed quickly

Success stems from good habits

%% Of everything you do throughout your day is based on habit . Successful people are only those who have acquired the habits of success . Successful people acquire good habits , make sure that those habits govern their behaviors , and change


Successful people claim to have bad habits, and those bad habits in turn lead them to frustration and failure .


My friend says " Ed . Foreman ": "good habits are difficult to acquire, but easy to live with . On the other hand, bad habits are easy to acquire, but difficult to live with."

A habit is defined as a "conditioned response to external stimuli". It is an automatic way of responding or reacting to a particular situation . You acquire a habit by repeating a certain action or a certain way of thinking about actions . Once this method becomes a habit , it becomes easier for you

And taking responses will do it that way and not in any other way . So what else . What kind of habits do you have

Successful people are simply those who have acquired Successful Habits . They trained themselves, as if they were sports heroes, to do certain things in a certain way, over and over again, until they did these things spontaneously, without even thinking about it . You may have heard the following old saying

Plant an idea, and it will really pay off .

Actually plant, and you will usually earn .


Sow a habit , and you will harvest a figure

Cultivate a character , and you will win your destiny

Successful people are not just that they are hardworking , diligent ،

And they strive , but they also accelerate, accelerate, accelerate !

Get it done now

Procrastination is not only a thief of time, it is a thief of life itself . To

The person


To succeed in your competition, both inside and outside your company, you must acquire the habit of moving quickly when something needs to be done . You have to earn a reputation for achievement that you can rely on . One study after another has proved that those people who have the best candle in terms of speed and credibility are the most valuable in any company or organization . They are quickly promoted to the fast track in their careers . The great advantage of getting into the habit of moving fast is that the faster you move, the better your performance will be . This is because the faster you move, the more you learn and become more efficient . And the faster you move, the more energy and enthusiasm you gain . People who move quickly as a way of life quickly acquire a completely different character and nature of behavior from those who move slowly or

Those who adopt a habitual attitude towards their work

Working in real time

As far as possible, get your work done in its "real and natural time", as soon as it's due, do it now. It's amazing how much time we waste by picking up a task, then looking at it or rushing into it, and then putting it aside and then coming back to it and then putting it aside and coming back to it, and so on and so forth . As a rule, small tasks should be completed immediately, that is, as soon as they appear in existence . This habit of moving quickly will allow you to complete a huge amount of

An essential habit for success



One of the habits of success is to get up early . Successful people get up a little earlier than everyone else, to read and prepare, to plan and organize their day in writing on paper in advance, and then proceed to their affairs before even the average person starts . Thomas Jefferson said: "The Sun has never risen and I was still in bed a few years ago and at one of my training forums a woman told me that she had discovered the magic of getting up early . She discovered that by going to bed early, she could wake up at four in the morning . She would then be able to complete the equivalent of a full day's work by seven o'clock . Or eight, before the average person thinks about starting their day . In a very short time, she had accomplished and won twice as much as her colleagues. She continued to be promoted and receive higher pay , because she was achieving much more than anyone




Successful people are keen to get up early, usually at six or half past six in the morning before this, and then immediately get down to business . This would give them a huge boost during their day and on the other hand it would take the average person a whole hour to get up and pay attention in the morning . And then he drags himself out to work, already thinking about an hour

Lunch, and what will he do in the evening . When your alarm clock rings, get up immediately and go straight to work. Start moving. Get into the habit of getting up early, and start working immediately on your most important responsibilities and tasks . This habit can do a lot to confirm your success, beyond any other habit you may acquire

Rehearse the time of " Lombardi "


When coach Vince Lombardi took over the Green Bay Packers, the players had a habit of not showing up until moments before the games or when the buses started . They were often late for the appointment, and everyone had to wait . Thus Lombardi introduced "to them" the principle of "Lombardi" time . The definition of this is 15 minutes earlier than the scheduled dates in the schedule . Everyone eventually began to arrive on time, and the problem was solved .


You have to stick to Lombardi's time, too, " he said . To make it a habit, you have to keep your appointments by deciding to be on time and then practice it over and over again until it becomes normal and manageable . Less than ٢% of people are punctual, and everyone somehow notices this . Let your entertaining game be to arrive on time-or better earlier than the specified time - and this has every commitment or appointment

To take every minute into account


Get to work before anyone else goes there, and when you get there, hurry up to work right away . Do not waste time reading newspapers, sipping coffee, social interaction with colleagues . He earned the reputation of a person who is constantly busy with his work, constantly busy with priority tasks . Work all the time allotted for work . Tame yourself and keep your focus on making the most of your time . Don't let others keep you "out of the game" when you take breaks for coffee or lunch, let this be at the most convenient time for you, and not for the hour
