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Sweepers where something can hinder them

 Give others a better service

Every job is an opportunity for you to solve doubts in order to satisfy

The needs of others . If people's expectations are limited, your chances are

It also has limits to value creation

Every wealth is based on an idea whose purpose is to serve people better in some way or

With another . Almost all entrepreneurs who have founded successful companies have

They worked for other companies, where they continued to look for ways to increase their value

. For the company

. The source of sensitivity to value and the keys to the formation of wealth are time and knowledge

And your task is to constantly increase your knowledge so that the value of what you are doing becomes even greater

The greatest . More than forty years ago Francis Bacon said that " the custom

Authority " but this is partly true , since custom becomes authority only if it is applied

For a good purpose . Your task is to collect the knowledge you need , so that you can

Get your job done quickly and well

"There's a saying going around in Texas," he says, " that it's the size of the battle."

. "Which the warrior fights, but the size of the warrior who fights

It is not the number of hours you spend at work that matters , but the value of the work that

His progress eclipsed those hours . Your success is determined by your ability to contribute value to

Whether you are an employee or a chief of staff, whether as an employee of a company

. Or as a company owner, this is what will determine your income and future

Excess of vomit

Very, very simply, successful people are more productive people than non -

, The successful ones . Successful people have better habits, and they dream big dreams

They work from written objectives . They do what they love to do, and they focus

He has to improve one degree after another . They use their natural energies to the limit

They always generate ideas in order to solve doubts and achieve goals

The company . They focus on using every minute of their time to achieve the maximum

Results and fruits

Above all, they are always looking around for opportunities to add from

Their valet values everything they do . They enjoy a sense of urgency and urgency

And mainly for fast moving. They work all the time, especially for work . And they acquire

A sense of momentum and they keep it . As a result, they quickly become

Sweepers where something can hinder them


Identify the most valuable things that you do in your work . How can you be

Organize your time so that you make the most of these things

2. Decide today to acquire the habit of discipline in the conscious . Measles outbreak

It's Lombardi time, and start arriving a quarter ahead of schedule."

3. Organize your day so that you arrive at work , and start working for an hour early

About your colleagues . Work, take a break for lunch , stay for a while after

. Their departure

4. Work as long as you have time for work . One minute is wasted, and if

Someone tried to distract you, say I have to go back to work , and do

5. Look under your feet for a treasure trove , and for opportunities from

In order to add extra value to your situation, that's exactly the case . What could those be

