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Do not feed your negative emotions

Do not feed your negative
And negative thoughts bring the whole opposite . They take away your energy, make you feel weaker and less confident . Whenever you think or say something negative, you waste your energy, feel angry and defeated, feel frustrated and miserable, and over time, negative thinking can make you physically ill, and even poison your relationships with others .positive thinking leads to mental health and peak performance. While negative thinking leads to mental illness and decreased effectiveness. As long as you want to live a wonderful life, your goal is to activate positive emotions and get rid of negative emotions

Eliminating negative emotions is the most important step you can take on your way to personal safety, health and happiness. Every time you take complete control of your thoughts and feelings, train yourself to keep those thoughts and feelings in a positive state, both your inner life and your outer life improve . In the absence of negative emotions, your mind is filled by itself with positive emotions, which generate feelings of happiness, satisfaction and satisfaction

The law of substitution states that " your mind can hold one thought at a time, whether positive or negative . And that you can replace a positive thought with a negative one whenever you choose this". You can apply this law by deliberately thinking about something positive, whenever you want to eliminate a thought or feeling that makes you feel angry or sad . The law of habit states that "any thought or action that you repeat over and over again will eventually become a new habit for you". When your reaction and response is repeatedly positive, you are completely in control of your conscious mind . It is soon easy and spontaneous to think and act on this . And through

Using self-control and repetition, you acquire new habits of thinking and acting . By applying this law, you can become a completely positive person and change your life

Do not feed your negative emotions

Negative emotions are considered to be acquired things, beginning in childhood . What has been gained can be lost, sometimes faster . You can acquire any habit or skill that you consider desirable or necessary for you. In particular, you can acquire positive and constructive ways of thinking about people, money, health, and other factors in order to eliminate negative thoughts that put limits on your possibilities and hinder your success . And sometimes a negative thought about something, or behavior towards a person, can turn into

Quite the opposite after seeing one new piece of information. You suddenly learn that the idea you had about yourself, or about someone else, was unfounded . As a result, you can change your thinking al

Negative emotions exist only if we provide them with life and nourish them . We feed it by constantly thinking and constantly talking about the things that cause us anger and distress . Fortunately, you can change this situation by applying the law of emotion. This law states that : "the stronger emotion overcomes the weaker emotion and dominates it, and whatever emotion you focus on will grow and become

This means that whatever emotion you develop and nurture, it will grow and eventually dominate your thinking about this. If you pull your mental energy away from the person or situation that brings you anger or sadness, by rejecting you

To think about them, eventually the emotion associated with this situation or that person disappears . Just as a fire Withers without firewood or fuel

The time

I have already had this experience several times. For example, as we grow up, we have relationships with the opposite sex, and most of these relationships do not last with me . And when it's over, we often get emotionally frustrated or hurt feelings . We are often in a state of sadness, anger, frustration, misery . It lasts : those feelings last for a while, and then we recover from them . And we meet someone else . And gradually we forget about the unhappy ending of the first relationship . Months or years later, when we reflect on the past or even meet the other person, we cannot imagine how we became emotionally attached to him or her . Feelings have completely faded away, because we have not fed them . And this is an example of how the laws of substitution and feelings work in your life

Sources of negative emotions

There are four basic causes of negative emotions . According to the book of the Russian philosopher "Peter ozbinsky" . ( In Search of the Miraculous ) these reasons are ( ۱ ) justification; (٢ ) definition; (٣ ) inner thinking; (٤ ) blaming . The greatest leaps towards changing your thinking and changing your life will happen when you follow a consistent approach in eliminating all those causes of negative emotions in your life

. Stop justifying

Justification : is what you do when you create a mental justification or reason for your anger or unhappiness . You tell yourself, and anyone else who hears you, how badly you were treated, how terrible the other person's behavior was . And you keep repeating and increasing the situation in your mind constantly, repeating all the reasons why you have to be upset . Whenever you think about a person or situation, you get angry . And you feel that you should be angry, as if

That you have paid a high price in it , and in particular because you were a good per.

Your means of shortening the cycle of this natural tendency towards justification and rationalization stems from your refusal to engage in it . You should stop justifying instead . And use your super-capable mind to think about the reasons and not to justify your negative emotions . And remember that your negative emotions are not in your favor. It is destructive in all respects, it does not affect the other person or does not change the situation. It simply destroys your happiness and self-confidence, and makes you weaker and less effective in other aspects of your life .instead of justifying your anger and misery, you should use your intelligence and imagination to make excuses for the other person, or to put the annoying situation out of your mind. For example, if someone overtakes you and cuts off your car with his car, instead of getting angry, you can say : "Well, I'd better be more careful next time, I think he had a bad day" . Or, " he must be late for an appointment."

Since your mind can only hold one thought at a time, as soon as you start making excuses for the other person, you deprive negative emotions such as anger and Revenge of the energy or fuel they require to flare up and ignite . And you regain your mental control, retain a calm and positive state . And in a short moment, the situation passes and you completely forget about it . You can get rid of negative emotions no matter what, by replacing a positive thought with a negative one if you are faced with one of the major life dilemmas, for example, divorce, job loss, or failure in one of the investments, the same rule remains effective: stop repeating to yourself ( and to anyone who will listen to you ) about the good reasons for your anger or annoyance . Instead, make excuses for the other person whenever

Think about the annoying situation until the negative state disappears from within you . One of the most important rules of success and happiness is "don't succumb to worry and worry about something you can't do anything about" . And don't criticize anyone for something they can't change . One of the famous rules states: "if there is no solution, there is no problem.".

In our life there are two time periods, the past and the future . The present is only a brief, fleeting moment . You can choose to focus your attention on what happened, which cannot be changed, or to focus on the future, on what is possible to happen, that is, on what you have some control over .most people spend their emotional energy being upset and angry about events that happened in the past. Unfortunately, this energy is completely wasted . No good can come from constantly complaining about the past . Even worse, those negative emotions that are kept alive by reliving the events of the past deprive you of the well-deserved feelings of joy and joy that you can exercise by thinking about the possibilities of the future

We set aside past events

Once a psychiatrist, who has more than ٢٥ a year of experience working with people deprived of happiness, wrote that the most common phrases he heard from his patients were the words : "if only this had happened", "if only it had happened then" . It seems that the deepest miserable people fall victim to one of the events of the past that is an obstacle for them, without being able to put it aside. And they remain angry, angry, frustrated about something that someone said or didn't say, or someone did
